Contact us

Please feel free to consult our sales and customer service teams from 8 AM to 4 PM eastern time. If you’re exploring an engineering and design solution, they’ll be happy to direct you to the right person.

In case of emergency, contact Phil McLevy at Tel: 1 514 222-3687 or Jace Leblond at Tel: 1 514 891-1510

Send us a message

    Exel International Group inc.

    1845, Alfred-Nobel Street,
    (Quebec) J6T 0E3

    Exel International Group inc.

    1845, Alfred-Nobel Street,
    (Quebec) J6T 0E3

    Customer Service

    Tel: 450 377-2252 ext. 227
    Fax: 450 377-2248
    Toll free: 1 866 377-2252
    [email protected]

    Customer Service

    Tel: 450 377-2252 ext. 227
    Fax: 450 377-2248
    Toll free: 1 866 377-2252
    [email protected]


    Tel: 450 377-2252 ext. 231
    Fax: 450 377-2248
    Toll free: 1 866 377-2252
    [email protected]


    Tel: 450 377-2252 ext. 231
    Fax: 450 377-2248
    Toll free: 1 866 377-2252
    [email protected]


    Tel: 450 377-2252 ext. 237
    Fax: 450 377-2248
    Toll free: 1 866 377-2252
    [email protected]


    Tel: 450 377-2252 ext. 237
    Fax: 450 377-2248
    Toll free: 1 866 377-2252
    [email protected]

    Sales and Customer service

    North America

    Phil McLevy
    VP of Sales
    T. 1 514 222-3687
    [email protected]

    Jacinthe Leblond
    Customer Service Supervisor 
    T. 1 866 377-2252, ext. 227
    C. 1 514 891-1510
    [email protected]

    Chanel Laplante
    Customer Service 
    T. 1 866 377-2252, ext. 238
    [email protected]

    Latin America

    Phil McLevy
    VP of Sales
    T. 1 514 222-3687
    [email protected]


    Kevin Healy
    T. 1 514 262-4864
    [email protected]